Elsa Update: Week 04

Elsa Update: Week 04

Elsa update
Radiation Week 4

Here we are finally at the end of our radiation journey! To recap, Elsa has gone through 20 radiation treatments to shrink a tumor In her brain. Radiation has meant going under anesthesia for each treatment and staying at the MSPCA Angell Animal Medical Center during the week while she is receiving treatment. In addition to her radiation, Elsa has had a Vascular Access Port (VAP) installed in her neck, a procedure to release fluid trapped in both her her ears, revision to her VAP after shifting and removal of non-cancerous growths on her face and feet. With each passing day Elsa is getting stronger, brighter and happier and has been winning hearts throughout the hospital.

With treatment at @mspca.angell over, we are on the path to healing and gaining strength. We will now have to manage her Cushings Disease and start physical therapy to help her regain some muscle. Her personality and light are back and we look forward to short walks on the beach, treats and snuggles with our heart and soul, Elsa. She is such a badass and kicked this tumors butt and we couldn’t be more proud of her bravery and resilience during this fight.

We are so grateful to the team at Angell and to all of you who have supported us throughout this difficult experience. We will keep the Go Fund Me up through the end of August for those that want to help more directly towards her medical care or you can grab some merch from our exclusive @deathwishinc store. Starting a crowd funding campaign to help offset some of Elsa’s medical costs was not a decision we made lightly. We are very private people and do not like asking for help, however, Elsa is worth more than our pride. We were given the opportunity to provide her with a better quality of life and we are doing everything in our power to do that. Just like we would for anyone else that we love.

We’ll continue to keep you posted on Elsa’s progress and keep reppin’ the Cvlt

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