Life After The Fire
June 2023, 3 pm:
I'm wrapping up work from home with my kid in her room and my 2 Boston's farting on one another when BAM! Flames erupt from faulty wiring under our solar panels & our roof goes up in flames. It's like a scene from a fucking horror movie.
The fire department douses the flames, but destroyed our belongings as well with water damage. Suddenly, we're homeless, bouncing between hotels, campgrounds, and winter rentals for 11 months. Living out of suitcases with a teenager and 2 sickly dogs was not a walk in the park.
But we made it work. Amidst tears and public showers, there were also family nights, road trips, and a ton of bonding moments that we will remember forever. We keep our eyes on the prize: rebuilding our home and getting our lives back.
Seeing our house rise from the ashes has been surreal. It's been a tough journey, with bumps along the way, but we're finally moving back in. It's a fresh start, a chance to make new memories and leave the past behind.
Moving is beyond expensive though, so we're having a huge sale at terriercvlt.com to help cover costs. All proceeds will be going into this move for the foreseeable future. Here's to new beginnings, family, resilience, and never giving up. Our journey from ashes to home has been wild, but wouldn't trade it for anything.
Thank you all for everything!
-Bob, Sarah, Autumn, Elsa &. Ivy